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Accurate, actionable results from the leader in point-of-care lipid testing.

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Abbott Cholestech LDX Analyzer


Accurate, actionable results from the leader in point-of-care lipid testing.

The CLIA-waived Cholestech LDX Analyzer is engineered for confidence, providing accurate, actionable, and readily accessible results that have set the standard in point-of-care lipid profile, cholesterol, and glucose testing.


Market Leader

#1 choice of healthcare professionals used in thousands of physician offices, hospitals and wellness programs nationwide.

Rapid, Actionable Results

Rapid, accurate results provide immediate awareness and identification of cardiovascular and diabetes health risks in only 5 minutes.

Assured Clinical Decisions

  • Meets National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) performance goals for lipids with lab-accurate results
  • Certified by the CDC’s Lipid Standardization Program (LSP) and Cholesterol Reference Method Laboratory Method Network (CRMLN) programs (the lipid testing accuracy standards)

Results are Easy to Obtain

Fingerstick sampling and small sample size (40μL) makes results less painful and time consuming, and easy to obtain.

Eliminate Errors with Automated Checks

Unique safeguards, automated checks and calibrations help ensure analyzer integrity and accurate results and eliminate user error.

Simple 3-Step Testing

Testing full lipid profile and glucose is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Perform a fingerstick and collect the sample with a capillary tube within 10 seconds.
  2. Dispense the sample into the test cassette.
  3. Insert the cassette and press the RUN button. 

Standard warranty covered by the seller against any manufacturing defect. In such events, please report to us within 7 days from the date of delivery at connect@lumiere32.sg.

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